Buckle corporate headquarters are located in Kearney, Nebraska.
Buckle went public initially in 1992.
Buckle went public in 1992 and was traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol BKLE. In 1997, Buckle moved to the New York Stock Exchange where it currently trades under the symbol BKE.
Buckle’s fiscal year-end is the Saturday closest to January 31st each year. Please refer to our Events page for announcements of upcoming Earnings dates.
Buckle currently pays a $.35 per share quarterly dividend. See our current press releases for the most recent dividend announcements.
Buckle does offer a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan through its transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A. Please visit Computershare's website for more information.
Buckle common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BKE. You may go to a licensed broker and purchase shares of Buckle's common stock. Buckle is not a licensed broker and thus cannot facilitate a purchase and/or sale transaction for you.
The news releases and events sections on our website includes announcements of monthly sales and quarterly earnings release dates.
Fill out the email form at the bottom of this page or here.
Buckle’s current and previous year’s annual reports are available on the Annual Reports page of this website. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please email buckle.investors@buckle.com or complete the Information Request Form.
The Company’s transfer agent is:
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
PO Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940
Please contact Buckle’s investor relations department by emailing buckle.investors@buckle.com.
The Company’s Independent Registered Accounting Firm is Deloitte & Touche LLP.
For recent press releases, please see the News Releases section of this site. For recent regulatory filings, please see the SEC Filings section of the site.